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Showing posts with the label pinpoint

Create Your Own Wake-up Call Service with AWS Pinpoint, Lambda and CDK

Create Your Own Wake-Up Call Service With AWS Pinpoint, Lambda and CDK Create Your Own Wake-Up Call Service With AWS Pinpoint, Lambda and CDK Wake-up call service is exactly what you would imagine, someone will call you to wake you up and make sure that you are awake. It is still… Create Your Own Wake-Up Call Service With AWS Pinpoint, Lambda and CDK Wake-up call service is exactly what you would imagine, someone will call you to wake you up and make sure that you are awake. It is still a common practice in hotels where hotel employees will wake you up via phone call. In this tutorial, we are going to build our own version using AWS Pinpoint, Lambda and CDK. If you haven’t heard the term CDK, it means Cloud Development Kit. It is a modern Infrastructure as a Code tool from AWS, it allows us to use common programming languages to provision cloud resources. We will be using AWS Pinpoint to make outbound phone calls, Lambda function to execute Pinpoint API call to initiate an outbo...